Getting started

Adopting a child from overseas

There are many reasons why a child may be unable to live with their parents, relatives or other families in their birth country.

Intercountry adoption allows you to provide a permanent home and a stable family for a child who couldn’t be placed with a family in their birth country. The process to adopt a child from overseas is expensive and time-consuming and there are many things to consider when deciding if intercountry adoption is right for you and your family.

We work with 12 partner countries to facilitate intercountry adoptions. Each partner country has its own eligibility criteria. You also need to meet the eligibility criteria of your state and territory central authority (STCA).

How Intercountry Adoption Australia can help you

We can help you with a range of resources. We can also refer you to your relevant STCA to discuss the adoption process or refer you to other support services.

We can answer your general questions. Your STCA will provide detailed information on the application process.

How your state and territory central authorities can help you

Each STCA has its own eligibility criteria and adoption processes. You will need to contact your STCA to discuss specific requirements.

Your STCA will provide you with information and you will need to attend an education session/s.

If you decide to go ahead, your STCA will work with you to prepare for assessment and help you to apply to adopt a child from one of our partner countries. They will assign you a case manager.

Your STCA will also work with you post-adoption to help with reporting requirements.

How the Hague Convention protects children

The governments of Australia are always focused on the best interests of the child. Our partner countries meet the principles and standards of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, helping to ensure that children are protected against child trafficking and other corrupt or illegal activities.

What are the alternatives to intercountry adoption?

If you’re unsure if intercountry adoption is right for you and your family, you can consider fostering or adopting an Australian child. You can learn more about alternatives to intercountry adoption.